What your Purim Mishloach Manot say about you.

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Mishloach manot are no longer just thoughtful expressions of a religious obligation, they are fun exchanges, a vehicle with which to express your personality and creativity.

Themes have become so prevalent that they are almost the norm. You can make them chocolate themed, citrus themed, themed after a movie, song, or animal, or any theme that takes your fancy. No matter what you choose to do the primary custom to provide more than one type of food is still followed. And how better than to add in a bottle of wine giving your friends and family something that they can use at the Purim Seuda.

Your mishloach manot theme can say a lot about your personality. Try our helpful guide for finding the right mishloach manot theme for you…

1. Candy land

Your inner child always comes out Purim time. From a pop rocks, taffies and gummies, to Lego candies and lollipops, you’ve included it. But candy doesn’t have to be childish. With a bottle of fine wine and some candy, you can create a thoroughly adult arrangement while still indulging your sweet tooth. We suggest using the Yarden Chardonnay.

2. Chocoholic

You don’t just love chocolate, you make it your brand. There’s chocolate bark and chocolate covered pretzels for those who love homemade snacks, and packets of mini chocolate combos and hot chocolate sachets for those who like things store bought. It’s obvious you find it your moral imperative to share the jubilant feeling that comes with consuming something sweet, with others. You can satisfy your generous spirit by also including a lovely bottle of mini Hermon Red, a great everyday drinking wine that will easily grace any Purim table.

3. Fruity cutey

You’ve decided that candy is overdone. Instead you’ll go ‘healthy’ with an assortment of dried Citrus, dried fruit, and apple chips. Keeping in the fruit theme, try adding a mini Hermon White. And since it’s made from grapes, we’ll say it’s technically a fruit.

4. The pastry chef

So what if you like mini muffins more than anything? Rugalach, cake pops, and cookies, all are welcome. All you want to do in your mishloach manot is show off your baking, add a bottle of wine and a few party favors and you’re done. We suggest you add a mini bottle of Hermon Muscato. This lightly sparkling wine is pleasantly sweet, wonderfully drinkable and will be the perfect accompaniment to your baking creations.

5. The cosplay enthusiast

You just want your let your geek flag fly. We heartily encourage this. If you’re a Whovian there are plenty of things to give away in Tardis blue. Blue M&M’s and Jelly Beans in blue dispensers wrapped in Tardis themed napkins? Yes, please.  If you’re a Star Wars fan there are cinnamon buns for Leah’s hai and chewing gum to represent Chewy. If you’re more of a fantasy fan you could include onion ring chips for the one ring in Lord of the Rings. Whatever your cup of tea you’ve got so many ways to express your inner geek.

6. The hipster foodie:

You just can’t resist artisanal foods and their cute holders. Avocado is not just a lunch time it’s a lifestyle. It’s your new jam. You love weird combos and mini sliders. So go with a mason jar filled with the hipster delights.  Fill it with as much cold brew coffee, craft beer, kimchi, vegan cookies and kale as you can. Or just stick with cold brew coffee and vegan cookies. As long as you stick them in a mason jar, you’re on brand.

Mishloach manot ideas are endless. Whatever you do and whatever part of your personality shines through, have a very happy Purim.

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